Class 10 : science lesson 9 Heredity and Evolution free online test and quiz : online mcq test for class 10 science

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🡆 Heredity: 

⤷ The passing of traits from the parents to offspring is called heredity. 

⤷ This is heredity which is responsible for many commonly observable facts; like siblings looking similar in overall appearance.

Variation: The differences among the individuals of a species/population are called variations.

Genotype: The complete set of genes in an organism’s genome is called genotype.

🡆 Phenotype: 
     The observable characters in an organism make the phenotype. 
     Phenotype is a result of genotype’s interaction with the environment. 
     Due to this reason, many phenotypes are not inheritable.

🡆Acquired Traits: 
        ⤷ Traits; which are acquired due to interaction with the environment; are called acquired traits. 
          Acquired traits are not inheritable. 
        ⤷ Example; if a boxer develops bulging biceps, it does not mean that his son would be borne with bulging biceps.

🡆Inheritable Traits: 
 Traits; which can be expressed in subsequent generations; are called inheritable traits. 
 Such traits bring a change in the genotype of the organism and hence become inheritable.

🡆 Speciation
 Micro evolution: It is the evolution which is on a small scale. Example: change in body color of beetles.
 The process by which new species develop from the existing species is known as speciation.
⤷ Speciation: it is the process of formation of new species. 
 Species: A group of similar individuals within a population that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
 Gene flow: It is exchange of genetic material by interbreeding between populations of same species or individuals
 Speciation takes place when variation is combined with geographical isolation.
 Gene flow : occurs between population that are partly but not completely separated

🡆 Genetic Drift:
 It is the random change in the frequency of alleles (gene pair) in a population over successive generations.
 The process by which nature selects and consolidate those organisms which 
are more suitably adapted and possesses favorable variations 
 Genetic drift takes place due to 
                 Severe changes in the DNA 
                 Change in number of chromosomes

🡆 Accumulation of Variations During Reproduction:

 Asexual reproduction involves a single parent and is hence not ideal ideal for facilitating variations. 
 Some minor variations do occur due to inaccuracies in DNA replication. 
 But the quantum of variations would be too little and would take too many years to show effect.
 Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, is ideal for facilitating variations because two parents are involved in it. 
 The offspring’s genotype is contributed by two parents and hence chances of variations are very high.

🡆Rules of Inheritance
 Gregor Johann Mendel conducted experiments on pea plants and proposed the rules of inheritance; based on his observations. 
 Mendel observed that characters are often present in pairs. 
 A pair of contrasting characters is called allele.
        ⤷ Possible Reasons of Pea Plants Used by Mendel:
🢝 Pea can be termed as biennial plant, i.e. two generations of a pea plant can grow in a given year. 
🢝 This means that Mendel could get enough time to observe a larger number of generations.
🢝 Many easily identifiable and contrasting characters are present in pea plants.
🢝 Cross pollination can be easily induced in pea plants.

 Monohybrid Cross: The cross in which just two contrasting characters are studied is 
called monohybrid cross. 
  🡆 Mendel's First Law
 ⤷ Law of Segregation: 
🢝 Every individual possesses a pair of alleles for a particular trait. 
🢝 During gamete formation, a gamete receives only one trait from the alleles. 
🢝 A particular trait can be dominant or recessive in a particular generation.
   Dihybrid Cross: The cross in which two pairs of characters are studied is called dihybrid cross..

🡆 Mendel’s Second Law:
🢝 Law of Independent Assortment: 
🢝 Alleles of different characters separate independent from each other during gamete formation.

🡆Sex Determination in Humans:

 Somatic cells in human beings contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. 
 Out of them the 23rd pair is composed of different types of chromosomes which are named as X and Y chromosomes. 
 The 23rd pair contains one X and one Y chromosome in a male. 
 On the other hand, the 23rd pair in a female contains X chromosomes. 
 This means that all the eggs would have X chromosome as the 23rd chromosome, while a sperm may have either X or Y chromosome as the 23rd chromosome. 
 When a sperm with X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the resulting zygote would develop into a female child. 
 When a sperm with Y chromosome fertilizes the egg, the resulting zygote would develop into a male child.

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